solar energy

Solar energy has proven to be one of the most efficient and cost-effective ways to generate electricity. Solar energy-generated electricity is not only cost-effective, but it also has no impact on the environment. This method of electricity generation aids in the reduction of pollution and the improvement of the environment. The solar industry’s technology has advanced by leaps and bounds. An increasing number of people have realized the benefits of going solar and are now buying solar panel systems.

The government and the people participate in changing electricity production methods to renewable sources and making the country ample sunlight a Solar Australia. Solar energy can benefit everybody; it doesn’t matter if you are a residential client or a businessman, or an industrialist. Whether you’re purchasing a solar system for financial or environmental reasons, there is always something for everyone; it also has many benefits.

Go Solar for Energy Independence

Nonrenewable energy sources – coal, oil, natural gas – heavily rely on power in Australia to the point of future depletion due to the cost and environmental damage. Solar power is a renewable energy source that is constantly replenished and will never run out. 

Realize energy independence through solar panel power

  • Gain control over your energy costs
  • Invest in your property’s energy resources
  • Own your property’s power source
  • Break free from non-competitive utility electric bills
  • End unprofitable electric rentals from utility companies

Regardless of your solar panel installation investment size, you will receive savings on your local utility bill that will grow over time. When utility rates increase – your sunshine energy remains free constantly. A home improvement investment in solar energy pays enormous dividends, rising yearly.

Installing solar panels can add value to your home

Installing a solar panel system in your home will increase the value of your home. When you put your house on the market, it will sell for up to 17% more than comparable properties in the area. Make solar panel installation a part of your home improvement plans for 2021 to increase your home’s future value.

The higher asking price for a home with a solar panel system average $20,000 increase in market value to a $500,000 home with the solar panel system:

  • Potential of receiving 100 per cent of solar panel investment upon the sale of a home

To generate electricity for powering homes, solar energy is the best choice, 

  • Lighting
  • Heating
  • Hot Water
  • Cooling system

According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, every $1 saved by a solar energy system adds $20 to the market value of your home.

Determining factors include

  • Your home’s location
  • Size of solar panel installation
  • The existing market value of your home

For each 1 kW of solar panels installed, the average increase in a home’s resale value is $5,911.

Surprisingly, installing solar panels will speed up the sale of your home by 20%.

Protect Environment Via Renewable Energy

Solar Energy is the cheapest and cherished source of renewable energy that has become very popular. It is perfect for the environment as it decreases the use of fossil fuels, which are the primary source of pollution in the atmosphere. It also aids in the reduction of carbon footprints, leading to positive climate change and decreased global warming.   

Create Jobs and Help Economy

Solar energy leads to the establishment of jobs in Australia. People are required to set up and run the business. Increased reliance on solar will result in more jobs being available to the public. The creation of new job opportunities will assist the economy’s progress.

 Relaxation For The Grid

Solar energy systems help national electricity management in two ways that can lead to the whole nation’s progress.

These two ways are

When more people are using solar power systems, they will need less electricity from the grid. Thus, it will be light on the grid.

The excess electricity supplied to the grid via net metering worldwide is used to supplement other users’ electricity supply.

Go Solar and Reap Environmental Benefits

There are enormous environmental and self-satisfaction benefits of going solar.  

  • Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions
  • Decreased dependence on dwindling fossil fuels
  • Energy production from a cleaner and more sustainable energy source
  • Increasing job rates in green technology of your country.  
  • Stimulation within energy sectors for the economy of Australia. 
  • Cleaner air, water, and soil
  • Greater energy security
  • Stronger economic growth


Solar panels work efficiently and also need low and minimum maintenance.

Once your solar panels are installed on your roof, you can sit back and enjoy the free energy and money savings. You don’t need to turn them on or off or monitor them. They don’t need servicing or professional maintenance as an occasional clean is enough to keep them in good working condition.

Let’s Discuss the opportunity.

You can reach us anytime via info@energenic.com.au or give us a quick call at +1 (300) 786 166